Dog dental care is essential for maintaining your pet’s overall well-being and significantly impacts their quality of life. Dental disease, such as periodontal disease, is common among dogs due to plaque accumulation and bacterial invasion. By age 3, up to 80% of dogs are affected by dental disease. Regular dental care helps prevent complications like infection, tooth loss, and damage to vital organs, ensuring your dog remains healthy and happy.
Veterinary dental care services include oral exams, dental cleanings, and treatment of diseased teeth. Anesthesia is used during dental procedures to perform dental X-rays, exams, and cleaning both above and below the gumline. Dental cleanings help remove plaque and tartar, identify issues, and provide necessary treatments. Tailored dental care plans consider factors like breed predisposition to dental issues and your dog’s specific needs.
Dog dental care is essential for maintaining your pet’s overall well-being and significantly impacts their quality of life. Dental disease, such as periodontal disease, is common among dogs due to plaque accumulation and bacterial invasion. By age 3, up to 80% of dogs are affected by dental disease. Regular dental care helps prevent complications like infection, tooth loss, and damage to vital organs, ensuring your dog remains healthy and happy.
Veterinary dental care services include oral exams, dental cleanings, and treatment of diseased teeth. Anesthesia is used during dental procedures to perform dental X-rays, exams, and cleaning both above and below the gumline. Dental cleanings help remove plaque and tartar, identify issues, and provide necessary treatments. Tailored dental care plans consider factors like breed predisposition to dental issues and your dog’s specific needs.